Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Love Board | A Valentine's Day Fundraiser

I was discussing with my mom recently how I wanted to do some sort of fundraiser for Mick for Valentine's Day, since he is "my" Valentine. ;)  I explained to her how I didn't have enough time to purchase a prize and do a giveaway or auction.  Then she suggested this little idea..

                                                   Welcome to The Love Board! 

In honor of Mick I created this board for Valentine's day.

If you make a donation of any amount to Mick a heart will appear on the board.  
 I have a YouCaring account opened for this specif fundraiser. When you make the donation you have the opportunity to send the name of a person you donated in honor or in memory of on this Valentine's Day. 

Valentine's Day is about love.  
Not just the love that man and woman share between each other, but the love of Christ and the love he gave to us to give to others. 
It's about the loved ones all around you in your life.   
Your family, friends, even pets.  These are the these that no amount of money can buy.  
Love itself is something you cannot buy at your local Walmart or even Macy's.  When you feel loved you feel wonderful, happy and joyful.  It's one of the best feelings in the world.  
One of which that Mick has never felt.  
Orphans in Eastern Europe don't typically feel love, if ever.  They get the bare minimum to survive and make do.
Never do they feel a passionate, simple little kiss on their cheeks or a comforting hug or just be held and rocked to sleep.  They don't get little candies in a fun heart shaped box, they're lucky to get their basic food. 
They've never even heard the words

I love you.  
Three little words we hear nearly everyday and take for granted
Words that Mick is starving to hear! But waits, because no one is there to say them.
Valentine's Day is about so much more than just the dates, presents, roses and candies. 
It's a time that we can take the time to think of the ones with no love. 

Every single penny donated goes into Mick's adoption fund. Which will help if forever family rescue him faster.   
When you make a donation please send me the name and reason why you chose to donate in memory, in thought or in honor of them for,  
I want to make a post with the little reasons to share with my followers.  
I hope that come Valentine's Day that our little Love Board is filled with countless hearts and names.  
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post!  
Though Mick has never heard the words 'I love you' before, I've said it to him a million times and I pray everyday that one day I will be able to say it to him face to face. 

CLICK HERE to make a donation. 
or look up at the top right sidebar of the blog and you will see the small donation box from YouCaring.


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